A Nice Evening

Saw C.M. and his wife tonight at my place. We were great friends in
college ca. 1970-1971. He is a philosophy professor on sabbatical. Tall
bald(ing). Raised in France, very rich WASP, there's a Thomas Hoving thing
there. Great to see him! He married someone 16 years younger 4 years ago,
a dark curly female, lots of teeth in a narrow face, an early Adrienne
Barbeau thing. He is jolly. 

Very very good with Max, Max showed him everything in his room.

I made one large salmon filet per person, sauteed with garlic. First I
served taramasalata (fish roe dip) from the jar which I realized was a
mistake; his wife, from Tennessee it turns out, didn't understand this
appetizer and although Greek it almost seemed too Jewish, at least too
swarthy, for her.

I steamed the asparagus and did not put butter on directly because he was
seeing me 60 pounds heavier than I was in college and and I was
experiencing fat shame. I did, however offer small dishes of butter and
sour cream for the baked potatoes.

I hated my salad dressing. I used Marcelle's salad dressing but no matter
what I did it was vinegar-heavy. So I added Leo Cardini's caesar dressing
to cut it but it was too late. Though heavily acidic the salad was eaten.

Talk consisted of the Good Old Times. They never asked Jim about his work. 
She is an assistant editor of a university press - in philosphy. But she
asked about my work, displaying zero knowledge of psychotherapy. Odd for
someone who chooses to live in New York City. I couldn't quite describe
the kind of therapy I do, then Chris said, "oh, Woody Allen therapy" and
we were all communicating again.

They brought purple tulips which are resting comfortably on my dining room
table. A nice evening.

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