Body Work

We were born too soon, we still have to have secret undiagnosed cancer and
then it's found too late and we still have to have things like leeches,
e.g. radiation. 

If only we'd have been born a few hundred years from now, when they will
be able to do a whole-body scan to detect a single cancer cell. I guess
you have to die of something but I can imagine a time when you could live
a hundred years more than we do now and also have flawless pain killers
when needed. 

I wouldn't mind living a hundred more years. What's the big deal, it's
just each day, you get up and do some things. It depends on whether or not
you like your life. I like mine too much so I think I have to pay.

But when? how? it's the mystery that's the killer. Is something growing in
my stupid fat body? What justified my even talking about my stupid fat
body, who even wants to hear about it? it's my narcissism that's going to
be the death of me.

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