- Prepare songs for Max's class tomorrow 2PM:
        There Ain't No Bugs On Me
        Don't You Push Me Down (review)
        I'm A Little Airplane Now (Wangity-Wang)

- See patient 1:30, think: lack of decisions = anal/power/rage (remind her
     of Feb. payment due)

- Send flowers for Mom's birthday?? (yes? no?)

- Call Meryl's assistant re: Paris-New York return flight

- Count Ativans (if <14 call psychopharm, beg) 

- Review chapter 1 of draft: Does foreshadowing of death occur
     despite my attempts to couch it in pompous theoretical discussions of
     scientific paradigms and inevitable intersubjectivity of fundamental
     therapeutic situation? 

- DO NOT EAT no matter what

- Buy milk and Tidy Cat Litter Pan Liners

- Pack sweatpants for Movement and Tumbling for Boys

- Reminder:  3 Tums a day keeps osteoporosis away!