Relational Theories and Fire As A Metaphor For ?

Conference (study group) with Steven Mitchell, Ph.D. Woops Stephen.
Wrote many influential books on psychoanalysis, integration of derivatives
of drive theory (object relations) with relational theories. One of those
bright Jewish guys in a plaid shirt with a blobby nose. He reminded me of
Stephen Jay Gould (Lois said afterwards at Starbucks that she believes he
is a friend of SJG). 

He asked why he was there. I was scared, thought it would all fall apart
and we seemed like morons. Especially when the LongIsland ladies with
their diamonds took out Bazooka bubble gum. I silently prayed "please
don't POP it for god's sake!"

He talked and talked and it was good. Jim added a masculine element
(according to Lois) by saying what good was Einsteinian physics if it
couldn't tell you how fast your car was going?

Then we went to Starbucks and the head of the trauma unit at Karen Horney
and Etty talked up Ferenczi. (Note to self: read Clinical Diaries by

Then I tried to locate Max but there was no telephone and I was too
inhibited to ask Etty to borrow her cellphone (Lois used it but I thought
I was not as intimate with Etty as Lois and I felt a little jealous). 

Got on the #2 downtown and located Max at the playground. The babysitter
Tamara said in almost-Russian that Max has an incredible imagination. 
Max said his knee was burning from the large tree root that he said was

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