Electronic Birthday

screensize 4" would be acceptable I think, maybe, 5" would be better, but
too much to expect, I don't know, what should I do, I don't know, problems
of the middle class...am I doing something stupid..?    This reminds me of
when Mom and Dad were going to buy me a clock radio for my birthday. We
went to the store and the man was showing us radios that had a radio and a
clock, but I was almost ashamed to say that I wanted the feature where the
radio itself, the music, wakes you up, but I was so mortified to say so.
When I finally did , Daddy and the man both thought that was fine that I
wanted that, but somehow to me it seemed Too Much, that I wanted something
so frivolous, to be awakened up by music. But I did get that one (in those
days it was a rare feature) and I loved it, loved loved loved it.
One of my favorite birthday presents. Other favorites:

pinball game with shooting ducks
large cardboard boy (I named him "Alfred")
hair dryer

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